8W8 Global Business Builders
8W8 Global Business Builders provides the Compound Value Creator Quotient platform CovQ encompassing an assessment, a method, a framework, know-how, experts and specialist to create ongoing compound value momentum for founders and business owners. It exists out of five modules: DEEP – Access to Experience and Know-How. IMPACT – A Dream Team of Practices and Tactics, whose goals are to empower founders and business owners to develop their business into the desired market position and concretely execute strategically and tactically. CREATES – Allows it to create strategic initiatives, building teams and setting compound value objectives. VALUE – This is the dashboard in which the progress of the strategic initiatives is monitored and the compound value created is visualized. BUILDING: People always make the difference so this is where Bauhaus specialists and experts are and founders and business owners are developed. Bauhaus applied is clear, disciplined, agile, transparent, highly focused, and ongoing. Bauhaus flexibly severs as a mastermind, supervisor, coach, mentor, lifelong partner, and hence follows the principles of a holistic and systematic management approach with the goal of being ahead of the curve, always. DEEP IMPACT CREATES VALUE BUILDING. For Whom Our services cater to founders and business owners of ambitious Direct-to-Consumer, B-B-C, B-B, marketplace, SaaS and PaaS companies that aim to get to the next levels or over the finish line. Follow us here on LinkedIn and Twitter @8w8Com